
Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Ivan Ivanovitch

More comics will be coming soon. I've been lazy about scanning lately. But now with Fun-A-Day underway I have an ever growing stock pile of comics waiting to be digitized. So, until then here's one panel from a comic I wrote about 5 years ago entitled "Kirill and Ivan Ivanovitch in the Land of the Former Bolsheviks".
The story is based on the time Kirill and I went to MediaPlay to get him a new discman (oh how things have changed....) there was a wall of discmen and Kirill complained that there were a million choices but they would all break in a week. He then went on to declare "say what you will about the Soviet Union, but at least back then when we'd go to buy something at the store there was only one and it would work".
So in the comic Kirill and Ivan Ivanovitch (who was the cartoon persona of our big orange cat, Bandit but with glasses) go back to Russia to buy a proper discman only to discover that his favorite marketplace from childhood had been replaced with a Walmart - where he ends up buying the discman anyway.

Probably not one of my best comics ever, though there are some pretty good panels. This one, of Ivan Ivanovitch in front of St. Basil's Cathedral, is my particular favorite.