
Tuesday, April 24, 2012

An Oldie: Russian Lessons #2

Some more old comics. These are probably from around 2006. I recently discovered that my old comics had gotten infected with mold during the great mold outbreak in our house back in December, so I am digitizing them all so I can (sadly) dispose of the originals.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

An Oldie: Kirill in... Dear Diary

(Click on image to enlarge) 
I drew this comic about 7 years ago right around when Kirill and I started dating. I drew comics through middle school and high school, but then stopped for many years. I started drawing again right around the time Kirill and I got together and he's the one who really encouraged and inspired me to keep drawing, I suppose that's why he's so frequently the star of my comics - my muse.

It's kind of interesting for me to look back and see how much my drawing style has evolved. It's also interesting that the early Kirill comics are purely fictions that he happens to star in, where as my comics about him for the past few years are all non-fiction.  

Monday, April 16, 2012

The Dragon and the King


(Click to make image larger)