
Thursday, June 16, 2011


and 3 months later I still can't touch my toes. 

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Majka wants to eat a squirrel.

and maybe someday she will get to try one that isn't already flattened on the road.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Monday, June 13, 2011

Gogol Bordello

Kirill and I have an unexpected secret obsession with Gogol Bordello. Well, I do, and Kirill plays along, but we have on occasion found ourselves on long walks playing Gogol Bordello 20 questions. 

Sunday, June 12, 2011

This one's an annoying grumblefest. Sorry.

I try not to have my fun-a-day comics be grumblefests, but somedays I can't avoid it. This was one of them.

Friday, June 10, 2011


and months later my hair still looks more or less like, this so it's still relevant, or something. 

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Lost in translation.

Sometimes Majka's love and excitement for Lyra gets lost in translation and just leaves Lyra terrified. 

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

The woes of chronic migraines.

I've suffered from chronic migraines for 10 or so years. I used to get migraines multiple times a week and now, thanks to lots and lots of dietary restrictions and regular acupuncture, it's only a few times a month. But occasionally I get hit exceptionally hard with a crazy headache, and this was probably the worst I've had in years, if not ever. 

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

How Yann Tiersen broke my heart.

All I'm saying is, you don't go see Yann Tiersen to hear post-punk art rock. I'm not saying an artist can't change their sound, but if you do, change it to something interesting. If you've never heard him, (and if you've ever seen Amelie, you have) give a listen. This is currently one of my favorite songs. 

Monday, June 6, 2011

Elder willing to listen.

The fun thing about being a slacker and posting these comics months after they occur, is that I get to remember all this fun stuff I forgot. Like this dude. Not an entirely uncommon site at the coop. However, what I found noteworthy about him was that he wasn't especially "elder", late 50's maybe, but I suppose it's relative to who he ends up talking to.  When someone finally sat down with him he did a lot of talking and not much listening - but I appreciate the sentiment. 

Sunday, June 5, 2011

An ill-fated attempt at racquetball

Me and ball sports do not mix. My first (and likely last) attempt at racquet ball. 

Zombies Vs. Unicorns = meh.

We read Zombies vs. Unicorns, a collection of Zombie/Unicorn themed short stories, for February's teen fiction bookclub. Despite being a big fan of many of the authors included in this compilation, I did not like it. All of the authors generally write novels, not short stories, so most of the stories either felt like the first chapter of a book (not a complete story), or everything got really rushed to finish up at the end. I don't recommend it. 

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Kids Comics Club

This was from a kids mini-comics workshop I was doing at the library to promote the Comics Fest, one mister Patrick Holt and I organized for our library. The above link is to a blog post Lunch Lady author, Jarrett Krosoczka wrote about the event. He was particularly excited about the young artists displaying and signing their mini-comics. Two of the kids in this comic (the girl talking about the flea, and the kid with the machine gun arm) are featured in Jarrett's post.